Category Archives : Wordpress

WordPress used by numerous Fortune 500 companies, Not just blogging, SEO Search Engine Optimization, Free and affordable themes, Plugins, Ease of setup and maintenance, Hosting sites make easy, Social Media Friendly, Look and content changed without professional help

WordPress used by numerous Fortune 500 companies, Not just blogging, SEO Search Engine Optimization, Free and affordable themes, Plugins, Ease of setup and maintenance, Hosting sites make easy, Social Media Friendly, Look and content changed without professional help I have been using WordPress for blogging and website creation for many years. I am sold on […]

WordPress websites infected by malware, Google blacklisted over 11k domains, SoakSoak malware decoder, Free SiteCheck scanner, Javascript malware from the

WordPress websites infected by malware, Google blacklisted over 11k domains, SoakSoak malware decoder, Free SiteCheck scanner, Javascript malware from the     From ars technica December 15, 2014. “More Than 100,000 WordPress Websites Reportedly Infected by Russian Malware” “Over 100,000 WordPress sites have been infected by a Russian virus called SoakSoak, which loads […]